Friday, 22 June 2012


Throughout this project I believe I have gained a huge amount of knowledge and feel I have developed my textiles skills. At the start of this course I felt I was under qualified concerning my knowledge of textiles methods and techniques. This course has benefited me hugely when we went onto our specific pathways. Through extensive research and experimentation I choose to create an installation for my final piece. As stated in my proposal I wanted to create a different perception of what viewing art was as an experience. There has been a running theme throughout my sketchbooks which was texture, therefore I wanted to continue this onto my fmp in order to create a connection between them all.

I feel overall my fmp has both weaknesses and strengths and as a separate piece my instillation was very successful. There was a number of problems I had to overcome whilst constructing my piece. I was allocated a booth next to a window, the first problem I had to solve was covering the window in order for a limited amount of light to be let through. There were other problems I had to solve e.g. what material to use to fix up my strips of material, getting hold of some bark chippings to place on the floor. During the opening night of the exhibition I was given positive feedback from members of the public which reinsured me that my installation has worked successfully.

Over all I believe that this project has been very successful not just on the grounds of my final piece and sketch books being successful but because I have found a subject matter that I am really passionate about. Taking into consideration my time scale I do believe I could have produce a wider range of samples, But feel the work I have done is of a high standard and of superior quality to my previous work

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