Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Jill Flower

website visited on 15/05/12

As I have started to include text in my work and am starting to manipulate paper and a range of materials/media to develop experimentation pieces therefore I thought this artist would be appropriate to research.

Jill Flower is a textiles artist who has a very keen interest in stitched textiles.She also is currently working with recycled papers and stitch. One piece that has grabbed my attention is Modern Woman III. I like the way Jill Flowers has manipulates paper into a certain shape by using stitched, and the way she combines text with her work in a subtle but striking way.

Passage below taken from -->click here.
The work explores edges and finishes. Its a witty concept following the progression and changes of our reading interests within a lifetime, creating a ‘Circle of Life’. It is a contemporary interpretation of Shakespeare’s words about the’ seven ages of man’ from ‘As You Like It’ Recycled Papers are deconstructed and reconstructed, stitched and washed exposing relevant printed matter. Resulting in a crusty lacy finish fashioned to be reminiscent of the flamboyant Elizabethan ruffs.

 The picture above is a section of the larger piece. This section relates to my work as looking at the text it has the perception of being distorted. I also really like the use of thread incorporated with the text and the simple colour pallet used.

Michael Brennand-Wood

Viewed the website above on 15/05/12

Michael is a textiles artist who techniques include, embroidery, pattern, lace and recently floral imagery.He first came to my attention when a tutor suggested I look at his work. Upon doing this I have found that the similarities between our work are we both use layers of mixed media to create 3D and textural pieces.

 I also get the impression that he also likes to involve the viewer in his work by giving his pieces audience interaction qualities. This is a vital part of my FMP as I was the audience to interact with my final pieces which will hopefully result in unique style of viewing art as a leisure activity.

I could use the pieces pictured below as inspiration for my work by using the idea of layering stitched and embroidery pieces on top of one and other leaving windows to give the piece as a whole more depth and leading the viewers eyes deeper into the piece.

'Skeleton Key' 110 x 110 x 4 cm, 1997.
Private Collection UK.

'Silk Road' 90 x 85 x 4 cm, 1999.
Private Collection UK.

'Charlemagne' 35 x 35 x 4 cm, 1978.
Collection of the artist.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Jeanette Appleton

Jeanette Appleton is a textiles artist who uses the felting method to create textural pieces. I have also seen the use of text in her work and believe this would be a good element I could take forward and use in some of my pieces.
I really like the way in which she manipulates the material she's working with to create interesting pieces.

Alice Kettle

Alice Kettle-Textiles Artist.     www.alicekettle.co.uk

Alice kettle is a textiles Artist well know for her use of hand and machine embroidery. Her pieces are often on a large scale. These are the reasons I have chose to look at her work. Like her I want my final piece to be a large scale and include element of both hand and machine embroidery.

I have sent an email request ion more information on what inspires her work and how her pieces develop. I and am currently waiting for it to be approved and see if i get a reply.

A piece that has gabbed my attention is ("Pairings II Conversations and Collaborations is a simple thought; to celebrate uniqueness and togetherness. The intention is to celebrate making and makers and engage with another to learn and understand more." www.Alice Kettle.co.uk) I like the way the Artists has used found material and collaborated that with elements of textiles.